Reproduced with kind permission from Rick wolverhampton Locksmiths
Over the last five to 10 years lock snapping has become a big issue around the Merseyside area and from what we can gather its also now becoming a problem in other areas of the country. As a result of this there has been a huge focus on products that can fight back against lock snapping. We have seen a rapid rise in anti snap locks been produced with a huge influx of new makes and models.
As locksmiths we are always looking for the most secure and up to date products to supply and fit for our customers. We extensively test the products we sell before deciding whether or not its a product we can be confident in fitting. In order to supply a certain product we need to ensure its priced properly, reliable, secure and does exactly what its advertised to do.
The problem for us as locksmiths and security professionals is knowing which anti snap lock to use. The last thing we want is to fit somebody a lock which is marketed as an anti snap lock only to find out down the line the customer has been burgled. Not only is this bad for the consumer it would also destroy our reputation beyond repair.
So after testing the Brisant Ultion and Ultion WXM we have decided that in our minds its by far the best anti snap lock available to date! Let us explain why.
Ultion and Ultion WXM, whats the difference?
Both the Ultion and WXM are super secure anti snap locks. The original Ultion lock was strong enough in our opinion but the revised version, named WXM (with xtra molybdenum) is even stronger! An increased amount of molybdenum built into the lock shows the level of commitment from Brisant to make the most secure lock possible. The original ultion already passed all the necessary tests without needing to increase the molybdenum content. Also a different key profile allows for the keys to be much thicker than on the standard Ultion making the keys 33% thicker which also makes then much stronger.
Standards that Ultion and Ultion WXM is tested to.
The Brisant Ultion AND WXM are tested to and passes every single major industry standard. Some anti snap locks are tested to one standard but not others and some are not tested to any standards at all. Ultion has achieved TS007 3 star which is the highest star rating accreditation. Along with this Ultion is also tested to secured by design which is a police preferred specification. The big one that many locks seem to struggle to achieve is Sold Secure diamond standard. This test is designed by the Master Locksmiths Association. The Sold Secure test is carried out by highly skilled locksmiths at there own facility.
Anti Snap Features
Brisant Ultion and Ultion WXM have a sacrificial front section designed to break away when the lock is attacked. This is common to find in just about every anti snap lock. But what really sets this lock apart from others is that Ultion has a very clever lockable cam which they call “lock down mode”. When Ultion detects a lock snapping attack it locks the central cam in place. The firing pin which actually locks the cam is housed in a section of the lock made from molybdenum. This material is 25% denser than iron. The firing pin also has a specially designed retaining pin which stops the firing pin from being pushed back down once it has activated.
Anti Drill Features
Ultion features 6 anti drill pins in both sides of the lock. Anti drill pins are made from hardened steel stopping the lock from being drilled open. Some brass parts found on the original Ultion have been replaced with molybdenum on the WXM offering even more drill protection.
Anti Pick Pins
As the name suggests anti pick pins are there to stop the lock from being picked open. Each Ultion is fitted with some anti pick pins and also an anti bump pin to help prevent these two forms of non destructive lock attack. Ultion WXM also has some tapered pins. A type of pin designed to make lock picking more difficult.
Key Control
Ultion has a very clever key control system. Some anti snap locks which use dimple type keys come with a registration card with the key code written on it. The problem with this is that if you loose the card you are then unable to get any spare keys cut. Ultion and Ultion WXM has the key code written on the head of the key. Obviously if somebody gets hold of the key they have access to the key code but Brisant have already thought about this and have a great way around it. You are able to password protect the key code so that no matter who sees the code they are unable to get duplicate keys without having the password. Ultion also has 11 pins inside the lock meaning that there is 294,970 key combinations available.
£1000 Lock snapping warranty
Probably the biggest selling point of Ultion and Ultion WXM is that it comes with a £1000 burglary warranty against lock snapping. This obviously shows the amount of confidence that Brisant has in this product! Registering for the guarantee is an easy 2 minute process which is done through the official Ultion website.
Cap Your Keys
Ultion keys can be fitted with key caps in a range of different colours. Not only do these help you differentiate which key fits which door by colour but also cover up the key number and make keys feel nicer to hold and use.
Key Tracking
Along with capping your keys the key caps can also be fitted with a key tracker which helps you locate your keys when they are lost. They sound an audible alarm if the keys are close by helping you pin point them. They also can be tracked on maps if your keys aren’t close by meaning you should never loose a key again. The keys are tracked using the TrackR app available for iPhone and android.
Our Opinion
As we said above its important for us to test the products we supply and fit and not just rely on the manufacturer blurb we see plastered all over the internet. We have extensively tested the Brisant Ultion and the new Ultion WXM anti snap lock and have found it in our opinion to be the best anti snap lock available today. This is now the anti snap lock we recommend to our customers homes across Merseyside. We have tested it in sustained attacks using both every day items that burglars generally use to snap locks, and also special locksmith equipment and its stood up to the test every single time.
Please note all information written in this article are our own personal opinions.