Locksmiths supply, fit and repair locks for homes, businesses and cars. They make keys to fit locks, using a wide range of tools. Locksmiths also fit sophisticated security systems such as closed circuit television. Some provide a 24-hour emergency service, for example, helping customers who are locked out or whose locks have been damaged in break-ins. Its a very interesting career with no 2 days being the same and every job challenging your skills, every day brings different jobs and with them different problems, with every job you are continually learning and expanding your experience, with locksmithing you never stop learning,here at locksmith training merseyside we can teach you all you need to know about locksmithing.
Work Activities
Locksmiths supply, fit, service and repair a wide range of locks. They also give people advice on ways to improve the security of their homes or business premises. Locksmiths are highly skilled; Their work involves everything from basic key cutting to emergency opening procedures and the installation of sophisticated security systems.
Many locksmiths work from a shop and offer a call-out service to do a wide variety of different tasks. Others are mobile from home and offer a 24-hour emergency service. They deal with emergency access problems, for example, when someone has lost their keys, locked themselves out of their house or had a lock damaged during an attempted break-in. They may also do this at the request of the police, local authorities and housing associations. Call-outs can involve travelling in the local area at any time of the day or night to gain access to a vehicle or building. Locksmiths often work outdoors, sometimes in bad weather.
When fitting a new lock or replacing a faulty one, locksmiths first talk to the owner or builder of the property to discuss their requirements. Locksmiths often give advice on security and fire safety issues, using their expert knowledge to recommend the most appropriate security systems for the customer. Some customers (for example, businesses and large organisations) have sophisticated requirements, for example, electronic locks, master key systems and closed circuit televisions. Larger projects of this kind may involve locksmiths in co-operation with building companies and security guard firms.
After talking to the owner or builder of the property, the locksmith advises which type of lock assembly is most suitable. The locksmith measures and marks the exact position of the new lock, and then uses tools to cut or chisel holes that fit the lock exactly. Using screws, the locksmith secures the mechanisms. They make sure mechanisms work properly, making minor adjustments if necessary.
Locksmiths who work in retail outlets give advice and sell security products to the general public. This may include selling padlocks and safes, and producing duplicate keys either by hand or using key cutting machinery. Some locksmiths work for specialist firms, advising property owners on security issues.
Locksmiths may become involved in auto-locksmithing (fitting locks in cars), for example, helping customers to upgrade the security of their car, or providing an emergency call-out service.
Locksmiths may offer a specialist service such as key cutting and repair of antique locks, for example, for customers who are renovating an older property.Here at locksmith training merseyside we will teach you all this and more as part of the locksmith courses that we teach.
Personal Qualities and Skills
Locksmiths need a high level of technical skill and expert knowledge of a wide range of lock assemblies and other security devices. To be a locksmith, you need an interest in mechanical and electronic gadgetry; carpentry skills would be very useful. You will need a comprehensive knowledge of sophisticated techniques and technology, including master keying and electric locks.
You will deal with the public, so you must be a good communicator and able to get on with a wide range of people at all levels.
Above all, locksmiths must be honest, discreet and able to inspire confidence. This career involves a lot of responsibility and public trust.
You should be analytical and possess an enquiring mind; attention to detail is also a necessary skill for a locksmith. You may need a full driving licence.
Pay and Opportunities
Small firms based in retail outlets, or specialist workshops, are potential employers. Self employment is also an option, however equipment for locksmiths can be expensive a lot start with the minimum amount of tools and build up as they get more experience, here at locksmith training merseyside we will advise our trainees on the tools that work and the tools that dont ie the ones that will just be sat in the van . Entrants start at minimum wage . This rises with experience and depending on employer.
Entry Routes and Training
The best route into this profession is by doing a training course unfortunatly apprenticeships in locksmithing are few and far between , so choose an established training school is the best course, when choosing a training providor , check their feedback from previous trainees , and go to the training centre and have a look round, ask as many questions as you can , Here at locksmith training merseyside we invite people to vist and look round our workshop before booking a course with us .
Practical craft and engineering skills will give you an advantage in entering this work. As will any joinery skills you may have, and lots of common sense and confidence comes in very handy.
There is no formal minimum entry requirement for this career. Generally, employers look for a good standard of education. Most importantly, candidates must be honest, reliable and trustworthy have a good level of confidence and common sense to work out any potenial problems you might come across.
A full-clean driving licence will be needed in most jobs.
Adult Opportunities
There is no formal upper age limit for entry into this career.
Further Information
Ask us here at www.locksmithtrainingmerseyside.co.uk as many questions as you want , you are free to vist the workshop any time it is free , just phone or email for available times .